Friday, March 13, 2009

satanism??? wat`s dat???? huh??

Satanism is a Religion as well as a Life Style. It has many forms and many faces, yet they all deserve to be called Satanism. Most of the religions of the world have a couple different denominations within the same belief system, the same holds true in Satanism. To my knowledge there are Traditional or Spiritual Satanists, LaVeyan Satanists, Rebel Satanists and Modern Satanists. This does not mean a Satanist is limited to one type or style, perhaps some Satanists may be a little bit of all of these definitions. These are to give you a general idea of the denominations. I will touch on each of them and give a general description to help the readers better understand each one. I will provide much more details and information on Modern Satanism simply because that is how I live my life and what I chose to consider myself.

Traditional or Spiritual Satanism - Also called Theistic Satanism or Luciferianism, is the oldest known form of Satanism. It has been around for Thousands of years and has even been traced back to the Roman times before the christian lord and savior "Jesus Christ" ever walked the Earth. The Traditional Satanists do actually claim the existence of a Satan or Lucifer as a "Higher Power or a Guiding Force." The Traditional Satanists don't literally worship Satan or Lucifer as their God. Those misconceptions have been created by the church and other nae sayers who want their respective religions to flourish on the fear of society. The Traditional Satanist looks at Satan or Lucifer as a "Father Figure" and idolize him in that capacity. It is in my understanding that some Traditional Satanists have performed a Sacrificial Ritual, but it is not required in their beliefs. Some Traditional Satanists touch on Demonology and go a lot deeper into that aspect of the spiritual realms.

LaVeyan Satanism - LaVeyan Satanism is a label given to Satanists found mostly within but is not limited to the Church of Satan™ members. Anton Szandor LaVey founded the Church of Satan™ in October of 1966. A.S. LaVey was a very outgoing Satanist who helped propel Satanism and bring it into the publics eye. A.S. LaVey has 5 books written by him, and several others written about him since. The most popular of these 5 is "The Satanic Bible." The contents of the book might not have originated on LaVeys desk, but he compiled the information in such a way as to literally spark a (r)evolution in your mind. This book alone has brought A.S. LaVey and the Church of Satan™ millions of dollars as well as thousands of members. It is a good read and should be the platform for which to build your lifestyle, beliefs, and thoughts. A.S. LaVey is only a man, a philosopher, and the founder of the Church of Satan™, but there are many out there who have chosen to Idolize HIM while at the same time they are a Satanist. This is where the LaVeyan Satanist term is coined.

Rebel Satanism - Rebel Satanism is a form of Satanism where you find the most misfits and social outcasts. This is the form of Satanism that actually brings Satanists in general a bad name. They are the rebellious teenagers and the drug addicts who might not have ever even read The Satanic Bible and just use the "evil image" of Satanism as a release. I am not trying to imply that "Goth's" are social outcasts and degenerates in their rebellious ways, but this type of Rebel Satanism is such and commonly associated with Gothic Lifestyles. I have actually found some of the most thoughtful, kind, and intelligent people in the world are the freaks who wear spikes, black clothes and ragged hair. Being a Rebel Satanist is usually a phase and they move on to something else shortly after it gets "old" or they actually pick up a book or two with a "cooler" belief system.

Modern Satanism - Modern Satanism is what the majority of Satanists are in this Century. There are several Orders, Temples, Guilds, Grottos, and Churches who have popped up since the Church of Satan™ began to change their ways and members broke off. The two biggest ones: The Temple of Set™, and the First Church of Satan™ were both founded by previous members of the Church of Satan™. Modern Satanism is very similar to LaVeyan Satanism only you wont see as many "LaVeyan" supporters. This does not mean LaVey is frowned upon, or walked on, but he is only one individual in the world, and we Modern Satanists tend to always want more.

Modern Satanism is a belief system that empowers the individual to be their own God, to be their own caretaker. This does not mean you cannot have a partner in life, a significant other, or a loved one. It means you take care of yourself as opposed to prayer and false hopes asked of a God or complete stranger to do it for you. You are supposed to accept your own responsibilities and be able to accept the outcome of your actions. As a Modern Satanist, you should not depend on a myth to pay for your actions. The stories that some Jesus Christ came to Earth and has paid for your sins does NOT mean you are above the laws today, and you will be held liable for any crimes committed.

As a Modern Satanist, You thank YOURSELF for all the hard work and repetition of a task to perfect it, not some man made God. You are the one who soaked many a rag with your sweat and hard labor to become what you are. You need not thank any higher power for these skills. You would want to thank family, friends, and coworkers for their support, and comforting they have provided along the way.

It is common to find a Modern Satanist who chooses not to be apart of ANY of the Orders or Organizations about and wants only individualism. Herd Mentality is something commonly found in the Christian or Catholic Church where you're made to feel as nothing without paying them your money, or having someone else in your life. Satanism per se teaches Self-ism and Individuality. Some Satanists refuse to "join" in on anything and it makes them more comfortable being "solo." Modern Satanism as a whole is NOT Anti-Christianity. Satanism is Anti-Stupidity. (some Satanists may be anti-christian, but surely not all of us.) There are Anti-Religious people in every aspect and every walk of life. Satanism per se, does not speak of opposing Christianity and destroying everything they believe in. I have always tried to spread Religious Tolerance, and the rest of the Satanic Community, for the most part, feels the exact same way.

Modern Satanism is not full of Hate and Racism. Satanism, by some, has been considered an Elitist Belief System. This is simply because as a Satanist you should always stride to better yourself. Never settling for second best, and Never think of anyone as being better than yourself. "Second Place is The First Loser". The Teachers whom we encounter in life have the knowledge to pass along, and the experience of doing it before you, this does not make then BETTER than you. There is segregation in every walk of life. It is NOT the Satanic Communities who house and support the Race oriented, Hate groups, or other Militant Factions, now is it? Yet there are militant and ignorant Satanists who feel they want to take the law into their own hands and end up harming people unnecessarily.

We as Americans have the 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. What most Americans do not understand is this: You have Freedom of Speech, the right to say anything you want to say, but this does not mean you are exempt of the ramifications of your words. The Freedom of Religion means you should be able to worship, and or believe as you see fit. Regardless of social acceptance and scrutiny, be it that it is within the boundaries of the law. At times I'm led to believe Christianity is above Freedom of Religion because if you don't believe what they do "you're wrong", "you're insane", "you need help", or my favorite one is, "you're going to hell!". I am sure not all of the sheep think this way, but enough of them do.

Freedom of Religion means ANY RELIGION!

Modern Satanism is Anti-Stupidity. Satanists are challenged to think for themselves. Satanists are challenged to use their mind. To question what does NOT seem right to them, and to NOT accept something as fact simply "because it has always been done this way!". It is pure Stupidity to follow the crowd and not know where it is going. Know where you are and what you want, this always makes it easier to get there in tact. Satanism, as with ANY religion, has Dogma. These are Basic Rules and Guidelines in which to live by, and to better yourself by. Satanism is a religion that is very flexible, and allows you to be yourself in dress, attitude and life.

Popular Opinions and Stereotypes - I am writing this little section to point out the wrong opinions, and typical stereotypes that have nothing what so ever to do with Satanism, Myself, or what I believe in. You can also visit my "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS" page and get a few ideas. I know this list is shared by a lot of my friends, and surely some of them might erase an entry or two. I have grown short on patience for some of the stereotypes the Christian church has given Satanism and Satanists in general, here they go in no particular rank or order, just how they come to me as I write;

As a Satanist, I do NOT... Kill Animals for torture or ritual.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... Kill Humans for torture or ritual.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... worship a christian myth named SATAN.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... hate christianity, I simply ignore it and live my own life.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... do drugs, I do drink socially and nothing more.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... rape women, I have a healthy and consensual sex life..
As a Satanist, I do NOT... hate life in general, I am very happy and love life.
As a Satanist, I do NOT... hold anyone or anything higher than myself.

As a Satanist, I DO ... Love Animals, I have a few of my own.
As a Satanist, I DO ... support the death penalty, and oppose crime.
As a Satanist, I DO ... hate ignorance, it's simply unacceptable.
As a Satanist, I DO ... work, own my own car, pay bills and taxes.
As a Satanist, I DO ... love my friends and family, no one else.
As a Satanist, I DO ... respect my elders, they've taught me much.
As a Satanist, I DO ... believe in Religious Tolerance, it's your right.

I will add more Do's and Do Not's as they come to me, but you get the general idea. I get along well with others, and have plenty friends, most of them simply don't need to know my beliefs.

Below are some words or names and their meaning from "MY" point of view.

Religious Tolerance - Both of my parents are Christian. From the day I was born my mother has never made me go to church, or believe in what she believes. I have never been baptized, and never will. She has answered every question I have ever had, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. She told me she still loves me no matter what I believe in, because I am her flesh and blood... I am her son. She has always had religious symbols or literature visible and accessible but has never once forced me to learn anything about them. I fail to see why so many other people, maybe not you or anyone you know, dismiss or disown people simply because they don't believe in what they believe in, or see things the same way they see things. I have written society off. I honestly feel there is no hope and no chance there will ever be TRUE "Religious Tolerance". I am even guilty or making snide remarks about Christians and then find myself holding my tongue because my friend sitting next to me playing poker is Christian.

Satan - To the Modern Satanist, Satan represents everything life should be. In The Satanic Bible, LaVey states SATAN represents Indulgence, Vital Existence, Undefiled Wisdom, Kindness to those who deserve it, Vengeance, Responsibility, Man as just another Animal, and All of the so-called Sins. Freewill, Freethinking, and a Free lifestyle is actually ANTI-Church. The church does NOT want you to stray from their teachings and their money plate. If you start to think for yourself, and live life for yourself, you have become tainted in their belief system and you're a devil worshipper. SATAN is just the word for some boogieman they needed to keep their sheep from going astray. The being/deity/entity "Satan" was made up by the Christians to take the fall for their sins, pleasure, wrong doings, etc... They needed someone to be their scapegoat. When Christianity came into play, the EXISTING GODS of the Egyptians, Indian, Greeks, etc.. were all turned into Devil's. The Literal being/deity/entity simply DOES NOT exist. I am sure you can ask a Christian and they would say he exists, something has to be the reasoning behind their fears and doubts and momentary loss of reason.

The Devil - Another name for Satan, and something we're always accused of worshiping. I might be a horny little devil, but surely I do NOT worship The devil. hehe. ok

Lucifer - The name of a said "angel" who was cast out of Heaven by god himself for questioning his actions. Surely someone with a mind of their own would question something if it did not seem right to them. Surely someone with wisdom would know the outcome of certain things before they are done. Is it wrong to question your superiors? Is it wrong to think freely, or to think differently? This is also another name for Satan. He has many, many names the Christians have chosen for him. blah

God - I am my own GOD! I am using this topic however to address the Christian god, so, lately I have heard so much about him it makes me sick. I am more scientific in nature than spiritual, and if I can not smell, touch, see, hear, or taste it... it does not exist. Every day there are "miracles" of life happening this guy gets credit for. Ever heard of chance? Circumstance? Fate? I am sorry but breathing is not a miracle, it is a natural function of the human body. I hear this guy loves everyone. And will forgive you for all of your sins. I bet we Satanists really piss him off every now and then. I'd like to know I am the thorn in someone's side from time to time. This is another being, deity, force, spirit which simply DOES NOT exist. I do not have blind faith, and frown at the masses who simply do.

Jesus - The son of god. "Pallid Incompetence Hanging On A Tree", [Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible] The way the Christians speak of this guy you would think he was Satan himself! The end of the world is coming, and he is going to be their savior. To bring them to the promised lands. To kill each and every Christian on earth and take them with him to their heaven. They are the ones who need help, who need to be saved, not I. To the Modern Satanist, Heaven and Hell is a state of mind, not a place of being.

Christianity - ( Or should I say EXTREME Christianity. I know I can NOT lump all Christians into my definitions. I have gotten some awesome e-Mails about this website, and most from "normal" Christians. ) A true DEATH CULT if there ever was one. I have never read, witnessed, nor heard of another CULT so obsessed with death. I hear all the time how their messiah is coming to bring them into heaven. Friends, there is only one way to get into their heaven, through death. I have to admit, I am amused by some of the ways the Christians live...for example: They lust about all week, and fulfill their carnal desires only to show up on Sunday and beg forgiveness. If you are going to do something you enjoy, that makes you feel good, and you want to continue to do...why do you need to beg forgiveness???

Catholicism - A Confusing Religion. Same twists and turns as Christianity, with a few more rules to break. And their prayer services really floor me... Sit, Stand, Kneel... ahhhh. Done in Latin at times...that part is cool. If you have god in your heart, and can talk to god through prayer, Why would you need to go confess to a priest? What's the middle man for? I think the church has lost it's way and become a large monopoly. If you have faith, you don't need a church. The movie STIGMATA hit the nail on the head, You don't need a building to have faith. The church is no longer needed, and are only there to take your money. This should be in the next topic... so, I digress.

The Church - A building, isn't it? surely you jest. The church is even worse than the United States Government, when it comes to lying, cheating, stealing, and murder. The church was built on the premise that the flock need a place to go to worship. They collect your money and use it for their own needs, what ever they may be. If you believe in something, whether it is god, or nature, or Satan, would you need a building to worship them in? For having a god that's "omnipotent" why would you need to erect thousands of buildings to pray to him? It's a simple money laundering scam. The church and its tax-free status, and gambling even, within it's own walls. The best scam going on to date!

The Pope - The highest ranking Priest in the Catholic Church. The man who has the power to change the world, and even repress it for the best interest of the church. According to the Church, the Pope speaks to god! ::laughs:: Have you seen his clothes lately? This should tell you where all of your fucking money is going people. Check out the staff the guy holds, got enough Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, etc...The life this guys leads, and as many little boys as he wants.

I get asked all the time what the differences are between Atheism, Paganism and Satanism.
Here is a brief paragraph on both of the Questions.

Atheism vs. Modern Satanism - There are also those in life who consider themselves an Atheist. They claim no god, no Satan, no deity what so ever. Ahhhh, so you say, why is Satanism called Satanism and not "Atheism" if they both denounce Satan/god?!?! Both of them are Atheistic in Nature... But, here is where we are not the same... Satanists claim themselves to be their own god, Atheists do not. Most Satanists do not have a problem bearing the name Satanist, Atheists refuse to have any label what so ever. Which is fine, there's no need to "label" yourself unnecessarily. Satanists live a certain lifestyle which is of course a life that pleases them. Atheists also live whatever and however they see fit. With the 2 being so closely related, you'll see why and how we get along easily. The only real problem is, more often than not, the Satanist is egotistical and Self-Centered where the Atheist just don't give a shit. ( yes, this paragraph has been updated recently... I've grown quite fond of my significant other whom is Atheist, and some quality e-Mails have changed my point of view.)

Paganism vs. Modern Satanism - It is a common Christian misconception that Satanism and Paganism are the same. I know this because I see Pagan's being called devil worshippers just the same. It is a label that sheep use for what they don't understand, and refuse to open their eyes and see. Paganism is more Deistic in nature, as opposed to Atheistic, in that they claim a "higher power". Whether it is the god, or Goddess, or what ever they want, they believe in a higher power, and the Satanist does NOT. Satanists claim to be their own god, and holding nothing and no ONE above them spiritually. Pagan's try to be kind and hot harm people, where as a Satanist is polite by nature but if wronged can be the most deadly creature on the planet.

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